Today’s Focus: Steadiness and Ease


Hi:) One of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is “Sthira sukham asanam.” The translation from Chip Hartranft is “The posture for meditation should embody steadiness and ease.” One of the great benefits of a yoga practice is that one gets to find that balance between steadiness and effort, and ease, or relaxation.

In yoga practice, we can use our breath to find the middle ground. Often, in different postures, just like in different situations in our lives, we tend to hold on too tightly, or not exert enough attention. When you practice your asanas, follow your breath. Are you holding your breath, or gasping? Then maybe you can find a little more ease, let go of some unnecessary tension. On the other hand, are you not connecting to your breath at all? Maybe you can find a little more effort and steadiness in some part your body. This way we can take Patanjali’s advice and have steadiness and ease, both in our physical asanas, and with practice, in our lives as well.